Genius Loci is a term that refers to the "spirit of a place". In modern Western interpretation, the atmosphere of a location. These nine pieces reflect various spirits or atmospheres created through the layering and compounding of simple images. Most are wallpapers, or other color-rich images manipulated until they emulated a foggy, watercolor-esque texture. A slew of pictures I grabbed from the Internet, or have used as desktop wallpapers in the past. Each piece has an ethereal feel, swimming in colors and shapes, drawing the viewer's eyes throughout with strange pseudo-perspective.
These are places that exist all at once and not at all. Everywhere you are and aren't, and nowhere you know or have never heard of. These places are silly little reflections of many lives and no one to live them. I hope you enjoy them.
Alien Siberia
End of the Line
From Embers
Gates Unfolding
Isoline Gaze
Rift State
Skyline Attraction
Totem Mirage
Urban Apparitions